
Prison to Employment Connection (P2EC) is offered to residents at San Quentin State Prison who are within one year of a release date or have a scheduled Parole Board Hearing within 6 months. After successfully completing a rigorous 14-week employment readiness program, they are invited to an Employer Day. Potential employers (P2EC Partners) come to the prison to interview program participants, review their resumes, and offer guidance and support for potential employment upon release.

  • Orientation:

    Understand the goals for the program and the participation, homework and attendance agreements required to enroll.

  • Class #1: Interest Inventory

    Build a framework for self-understanding and identify interests that will be used to develop resume writing and interview skills.

  • Class #2: Identifying Strengths and Transferable Skills

    Identify marketable skills and write and speak about them with ease.

  • Class #3: Writing An Effective Resume

    Learn the basics of resume writing and complete a detailed master job application.

  • Class #4: Resume Writing Workshop – Part I

    Work with skilled volunteer resume writers to develop a resume first draft.

  • Class #5: Resume Writing Workshop – Part II

    Refine the resume draft with volunteers so it best reflects experience, abilities and skills.

  • Class #6: Discussing Criminal History in an Interview

    Practice speaking honestly but briefly and with full accountability about the crime that led to incarceration. Hear from a guest speaker about legal rights related to employment.

  • Class #7: Interview Skills - Part I

    Respond to common interview questions using small group work.

  • Class #8: Interview Skills – Part II

    Demonstrate the ability to answer interview questions clearly and concisely during mock interviews.

  • Class #9: Launching A Job Search

    Learn how to prepare and launch an effective job search and manage possible rejection and disappointment.

  • Class #10: Individual Meetings

    Meet with facilitators individually to prepare for Employer Day.

  • Class #11: Putting It All Together

    Integrate material from all previous classes, learn about the employers who will attend Employer Day and practice interviews.

  • Class #12: Employer Day

    Interview with potential employers and service providers from across the Bay Area.

  • Class #13: Graduation

    Celebrate successful completion of the program and hear from guest speakers who have been previously incarcerated to learn about their paths to employment success post-release.

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