Recidivism Results

Data shows that the recidivism rate for our graduates is 1%.

60-65% of the formerly incarcerated in CA are re-arrested within the first 3 years. We are proud that for our graduates the recidivism rate is just 1%.

Interview Results

Data shows that 83% of our graduates interview BETTER than people the employers are interviewing on the outside.

Cumulative data collected from our employer assessments show that: 

  • 99% of our graduates interview the same or better than people the employers are interviewing on the outside
  • 83% of our graduates interview BETTER than people the employers are interviewing on the outside
  • Less than 1% of our graduates interview below average

The statistics demonstrate that graduates of the program: communicate well, are clear about their work values, answer interview questions directly and concisely, ask relevant questions, articulate their strengths and weaknesses, present their skills both verbally and on a resume, and address their criminal history briefly and with accountability.

  • Scores of 5 = Exceptional

  • Scores of 4 = Above Average

  • Scores of 3 = Average

  • Scores of 2 = Below Average

  • Scores of 1 = Unsatisfactory


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